
Finding work for idle hands: making, baking and more.

Extravagance February 11, 2013

Filed under: Places to go — lauravw @ 1:20 pm

cocktailsWe had a particularly extravagant Saturday afternoon this weekend. For some time now we’ve had a £100 voucher for a very fancy Nottingham restaurant burning a hole in our pockets, and this was the day we decided to spend some of it.

We’d been given the voucher as a thank you for looking after our friend’s two cats after she died last year – we cared for them for just over six months, and then found a new home for them. Her family gave us the voucher to thank us for our help, which was a lovely surprise. And I’m happy to report that the cats are very happy in their new home – we get fairly regular updates, and have been to visit them.

The restaurant, World Service, doesn’t offer a great deal for vegetarians – there’s only ever one vegetarian option on the menu, and I prefer to go to places where I have a choice about what I eat. But then we had a very bright idea: we would spend the entire voucher in the bar.

And so on Saturday afternoon I went with Andy and my mum to sit around drinking for a few hours. We raised a glass to our friend, and to her cats, and we had a wonderful time. It felt decadent being able to order anything off the extensive cocktail menu, without having to give a thought to the price – something we would never do under normal circumstances. We giggled and drank, enjoying the log fire and the luxurious surroundings – something I could really get used to.

We didn’t even manage to spend the whole £100 – which gives us the perfect excuse to go back and do it all over again in the near future.




3 Responses to “Extravagance”

  1. That looks to be a lovely venue and that was a great way to remember your friend (and her kitties). And you get to do it all again!! We’re very short on decent eating and drinking places here (it wasn’t always thus but the town has gone to the dogs) though lucky to have a vegetarian restaurant not far away.

  2. PinkCatJo Says:

    What a lovely, kind thing for you to have done. It sounds like a superb treat and so nice that you get to go back and enjoy some more swanky cocktails! x

  3. Ali Says:

    What a lovely treat. Cocktails always feel disproportionately fun and indulgent – you make me want to go out for some soon!

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